在ONES创办之前的2014-2015年,不向终端用户收费让To C互联网公司披上了普惠的外衣,当时维系这些互联网公司生存的,最直接有效的是广告变现模式,曾被称为“羊毛出在猪身上让狗买单”(第三方付费),也就是说,互联网C端用户习惯了每天免费享受电影、音乐、电子书等资源,最...
本文译自《ECRIT-O第11期》“独立游戏和动词”(『エクリヲ vol.11』「インディーゲームと動詞」),略有删节。原文链接:http://ecrito.fever.jp/20200722224151注释: [1] ブルボン小林(20...
But the company plans to gradually roll out its on-demand autonomous service over a larger area in Jiading, where Shanghai’s main autonomous driving zone is located. “Tha...
Making plan is certainly helpful and its the first step to achieve ones ambition. An ambition is usually a goal that is difficult to reach, and the time it takes to reach i...
1. 黄铅笔奖(只授予真正实现卓越创意的杰出作品):Back to the City 2. 木铅笔奖(年度最佳广告、设计、工艺、文化和影响力):The Eternal Influencers、NFTT - Non Fungible Top Trumps ...